
目前顯示的是 10月, 2013的文章


我的家庭給了我很多的愛, 那些愛讓我成長, 並讓我的心靈無所匱乏。 There is a lot of love in my life , this accompany with me , and make my soul storng. Gia định của tôi làm cho cuộc sống của tôi tốt đẹp và cảm thấy hành phúc hải lòng.


最近在學習如何讓自己按照安排的進度去執行, 雖然還沒有達到我所期望的, 但慢慢的愈來愈進入狀況了 ! 第一次早晨起來騎腳踏車逛校園, 早晨的空氣很新鮮 呼吸間帶著舒爽的感覺, 除了我之外,還有許多人也在晨跑或慢走, 我覺得這樣真好! 新生活運動!開始! 「天下只有三件事:自己的事,別人的事,老天爺的事。」 「可是人常常     忘了自己的事,愛管別人的事,擔心老天爺的事」 這是我最近去參加演講的時候,在席上聽到的, 感觸很深! 我的生活中充滿目標充滿愛。 Recently I have tried to do follow my schedule which I planed. I yet success for my goal , but it will be more better . I believe. Today I ride bike at school. Air in the morning is really fresh that makes me breath well and feel relaxed. Beside me , there are many people here, Some people jogging and some people hiking. It is really excellent. Let go for new life style now. As the saying goes : there are three parts with life, the first is part of ourselves , the second is part of others , the third is part of God. But we usually ignore part of ourselves , care part of others , worry about part of God. During the speech , I learned the lesson and be touched much.

Night and Day

這一周很多事情困擾我, 事情發生得當下沒來的及反應, 事後想想, 很多事情也不過如此, 不用鑽牛角尖。 拋開當下的情緒, 相信接下來會更順利, 並且邁開步伐向前走! 最近我給自己設了一個總目標,就是體重減少五公斤。 我要努力達到的目標不只是這個, 平常上完越語課之後,還要記得複習。 自從沒有住在家裡, 我開始想念媽媽主的家常菜, 想念媽媽煮的高麗菜炒蛋、炒飯、炒羊肉…… 想念媽媽煮的紫菜蛋花湯、蓮藕肉湯、貢丸湯, 想念想念, 想念家裡的一切。 想念和家人一吃飯聊天看電視的情況, 想念那個吵吵鬧鬧的時候。 總是讓我感受到我的家人愛我,無時無刻。 給每個看過這篇文章的人: 珍惜對我們好的人。 祝我的好朋友今晚有個好眠。 公主幫好友晚安,608房的各位晚安~ I had some troubles in this weekend, and that made me so busy and tried. The moment that took place I could not handle. After passing, I thought that is nothing, and I did not be confused with that. Do not never mind. Never on mind. Forget. Believing it will be more better. Go ahead. These day I make some decision for myself : reduce five kg. Not only this goal , but also reviewing course Vietnamese after learning. Since I moved into dormitory , I started missing my family, my mother , and my relatives 。 Specially fried egg with cabbage , fried rice,